Christmas 2011 Phones Show pub meet details

I'm hosting a Phones Show pub meet-up for smartphone enthusiasts on Saturday 10th December 2011, from 6.30pm until whenever we call it a night. The venue is The Lands End Pub, Park Lane, Charvil , Twyford, RG10 0UE. See below for a map. Use your sat nav to get to the general area. You can approach The Lands End from the East, but you have to go through the ford - not recommended if there's been a lot of rain. Usually about a foot or so deep, so 4x4's only! Approach via the arrowed directions if possible. The idea is to swap phone tech stories, try out other people's favourite devices, down some decent beer and (maybe) do a few short pieces to camera for the show. If it turns out well, you might be a star(!) If you want to come along, just confirm by emailing me at with the subject line "Christmas Phones Show Meet". Thanks! As long as even four or five people make it, the event's a goer. Hopefully we'll have quite a few more than...