A car is a platform. Not an iPhone!

We're so used to 'sealed' devices in our lives these days. From phones to vacuum cleaners to washing machines, they either work or they don't, and repairs are often prohibitive. So your six year old washing machine breaks down and it's time for a new one. Your two year old iPhone fills up and it's time to give it to your offspring and buy yourself a new one. And so on. But, in the context of thinking how to approach my 13 year old Renault Scenic - "Do I keep getting it repaired or replace it?" - I contend that these days a car is almost a 'platform'. What I mean by this is that, twenty years ago (so 1999, thinking about a 1986 model) cars tended to be on their last legs after 13 years, i.e. the structure itself was rusting and clearly about to fall apart. With my 2006 Scenic, the body, chassis, electrics, even the engine are all fine. It rolls along happily giving me 48mpg on long drives with its 1.4 Petrol unit. Which is amazing, really...