'Waiting in' for the repair man/courier, etc. - when IS the best time to nip out?

I realise this is basic probability theory, but almost no one gets this right, so I thought I'd put it in plain English... The situation. You're expecting a package delivered (and needing signing for), or perhaps it's a repair man. Either way, you know it's happening today, you just don't know when. You may even have taken the day off work to accommodate this. So you're waiting in. It might be 10 minutes. Or it might be 10 hours (a 8am-6pm window). You just don't know. Yet you want to either: nip to the local shops for milk have a shower/toilet/whatever some other task which only takes a few minutes but which will mean you're unavailable When should you do this? Is there a best time according to the laws of probability? Common sense says that it's random when the courier or repair man comes, so it doesn't make any difference when you take your break. But in fact, although the arrival is indeed random, the fact that your own una...