Whether, as part of my job, messing around with Files on Ovi , or using Syncplicity to backup parts of my Mac, or listening to TWiT and hearing of their new sponsor, Carbonite , I keep running into the notion that the best way to back up your computer is online. The concept's not that new and these are only three of over a dozen possibilities, but I'd like to sound a note of caution and sanity. You see, most of us are on asynchronous broadband links. ASDL, to use the full acronym. What this means is that home broadband is great for downloading stuff and not brilliant and uploading it. Upload speeds from the average connected home are or the order of 128kbps. This is just about OK for uploading short video clips to YouTube and fine for syncing documents up a web server, but it's utterly inadequate for being the basis of an all-in online backup solution. The likes of Carbonite (and I'm not just picking on them, I've heard the same idea from others and from several ...