Case roundup for the Google Pixel 5 (part 1)
As usual for my case roundups, I'll cover a variety of styles, with most samples supplied by MobileFun, kind people that they are. See their complete range of Pixel 5 cases and covers.
But on with the individual cases, each link goes to the relevant product page, of course. And this is the first batch, since there doesn't seem to be much available for this phone at the time of writing. I'll tack on a part 2 in due course, no doubt.Olixar NovaShield, £13
The soft-finish, slab-sided NovaShield design is well known and established - and, as always, it's very ...solid. It's black (in this case, like the Pixel 5), it's smooth, it's protective, there's nothing to dislike.

Except that there's little be wowed by either. The Pixel 5 feels perfectly fine in this, but I'd always go for a bit more grip on the sides and I like having textured button covers that I can activate by feel and don't have to look, which is the case here.
On the plus side, the screen face protection and the camera glass ridge are all top notch. The design inlays into the transparent back don't add much in terms of durability, but they're a hallmark of the NovaShield design, so why not?
At £13 it's good value though. And a cut above the usual market place offerings.
Score: 8/10
LoveCases Abstract Rainbow, £10
Talking of generic marketplace cases, this is along these lines. except with a little TPU design knowhow along the way. It's clear TPU with cartoony embossed graphics, which is a bit offputting.
Happily the TPU itself is solid, grippy and just about perfect, with face protection and even a little extra material towards the ends for extra safety.
Of the three cases in this part 1 blog post, I'd pick this for feel, with good button 'covers' and a very high protection to thickness ratio. Just a shame about all the rainbows for such a serious phone as the Pixel 5? Maybe I'm not in the target market! (You can also get stars and leopard graphics, by the way!)
Score: 9/10
Olixar Leather-style Wallet, £10
The idea of a faux-leather folding wallet case isn't new and, to be honest, the same flaws as on many previous versions are still present here. No, not the thickness when closed, since that's obvious.
But the design itself, with buttons that are so far recessed from the case edge that they're painful to press in day to day operation. And with the fingerprint scanner so far recessed that it's almost impossible to use - don't the people at Olixar TEST the cases they come up with? They did a fabric, more slim-line wallet design that was many times better, I seem to recall, so how about one of these for the Pixel 5? I think it would go very nicely.
A usability disaster then, saved only a little by the amount of protection and the fold over media stand mode.
Score: 6/10
I'll have more Pixel 5 cases in due course.